Jaja is the Balinese word for all sweet and sometimes it could refer cakes and breads as well. Jaja has many variations,as it used into offerings to the temples to a meal for breakfast. It uses basic ingredients such as rice, sticky rice, black rice, brown rice, cassava, sweet potatoes, banana, coconut, pandan leaves (as a natural dye and fragrance ), and other natural materials. Good traditional Jaja maker will certainly use natural sweeteners from sugar cane or palm sugar.
Jaja are usually sold in the morning at most traditional market in Bali. If you are on holiday to Bali, be sure to have opportunity to try Jaja.

Bantal is made of stiky rice, banana, grated coconut and salt. It also used in Balinese offerings.

Laklak is made of rice flour, baking powder, coconut milk and salt. It served with palm sugar sauce.